ENGLISH CLASSESArticles related to how to do well in your English Classes

To Pass any English class at ALL IN ONE-BENIN, every student enrolled at ALL IN ONE-BENIN English class MUST complete all the Board assignments, Slack Assignment, Attendance (minimum 85% required), Book Assignments (must complete the Book).

Other students in other classes like French or Computer... Read More

To the instructor

You (the instructor) has the responsibility to give the students feedback on their post and correct if needed. Encourage the students to search and learn in your class. Your only class lesson is NOT sufficient for the student to make progress.

Because ALL IN ONE-BENIN uses American system, it only values hard working and quality in education. It is at the best interest to the students to complete all the requirements for your class to successfully pass the Level. 1) Students should Read the class contract and submit as first assignment (this helps them to understand the class policy) 2) Complete their Venture Book in the notebook available at ALL IN ONE-BENIN and with the help of their instructor. 3) Complete their Board assignments, Slack discussions, Quizzes, and Exams. Missing one of those requirements will jeopardize their passing grade. A class will be complete when the following requirements are met:

a.     Board assignments, (all assignments should be completed by students)

b.     Slack discussions, (check as above)

c.     Quizzes, (quizzes on the Board only count)

d.     And Exams (exams on the Board only count)


If any of the above requirements is not met, the class will be marked INCOMPLETE. For assistance, please contact the staff: info@allinone-benin.com or call +229